A long time ago, aprox. 1 year before, I've started a project called "My Simple Story". This should have been going much better than it is going now. But I have 10 photos of this ideea, that hopefully I will brand them in the near future. I thought that I have to post six(6) more photos of this series. More will come...
It is about several people, you can look at their hands, clothes, watches, skin and you can see that they are different, maybe introvert or extrovert, you can observ the position of their standing, it's all different.

This is their Story, their Simple Story...

Session - Selina

Saturday afternoon, Selina and I went out to a photo-session, she's leaving Romania for real, and for all, and she wanted some photos of Targu-Mures where she stayed 2 years, and now she's going back to the States in Muscatine.
She was working with the YWAM organization and collaborating with Betania Church.

She'll leave this saturday !
Thank's for being here and helping us.


Copyright 2009| Zsoldos Szabolcs | S Photography