Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding

14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands.

About Matt

Matt is a 31-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play videogames. Matt achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realized there might be other stuff he was missing out on. In February of 2003, he quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the money he'd saved to wander around Asia until it ran out. He made this site so he could keep his family and friends updated about where he is.

A few months into his trip, a travel buddy gave Matt an idea. They were standing around taking pictures in Hanoi, and his friend said "Hey, why don't you stand over there and do that dance. I'll record it." He was referring to a particular dance Matt does. It's actually the only dance Matt does. He does it badly. Anyway, this turned out to be a very good idea.

A couple years later, someone found the video online and passed it to someone else, who passed it to someone else, and so on. Now Matt is quasi-famous as "That guy who dances on the internet. No, not that guy. The other one. No, not him either. I'll send you the link. It's funny."

The response to the first video brought Matt to the attention of the nice people at Stride gum. They asked Matt if he'd be interested in taking another trip around the world to make a new video. Matt asked if they'd be paying for it. They said yes. Matt thought this sounded like another very good idea.

In 2006, Matt took a 6 month trip through 39 countries on all 7 continents. In that time, he danced a great deal.

The second video made Matt even more quasi-famous. In fact, for a brief period in July, he was semi-famous.

Things settled down again, and then in 2007 Matt went back to Stride with another idea. He realized his bad dancing wasn't actually all that interesting, and that other people were much better at being bad at it. He showed them his inbox, which, as a result of his semi-famousness, was overflowing with emails from all over the planet. He told them he wanted to travel around the world one more time and invite the people who'd written him to come out and dance too.

The Stride people thought that sounded like yet another very good idea, so they let him do it. And he did. And now it's done. And he hopes you like it.

Matt lives in Seattle, Washington with his girlfriend, Melissa, and dog, Sydney. He hasn't had a real job since Stride called him up. Matt doesn't mind working, but he doesn't much care for having to show up at the same place every day.

Matt is not rich. Matt also doesn't have some magical secret for traveling cheaply. He does it pretty much the same way everybody else does.

Matt thinks Americans need to travel abroad more.

Matt was a very poor student and never went to college. When he got older, he was pleased to discover that no one actually cares. Matt doesn't want to imply that college is bad or anything. He's just saying is all. There's other ways to fill your head.

Matt is left-handed.

When Matt was younger, he could hang seven spoons on his face at once. Sadly, puberty made Matt's face less conducive to spoon-hanging.

Matt's Xbox Live screen name is BadDancer. He plays a lot of Rock Band.

Matt has a little piece of extra cartilage sticking out on the rim of one ear and a little hole in the same place on the other ear. Since saying so on this page, he's been informed that the extra piece of cartilage is called a Darwinian Tubercle. Matt thinks this is pretty much the greatest name for anything ever.

Matt has never lost a staring contest.

Other interesting stuff about Matt --> Matt's Site

In perioada 22 mai - 10 iunie 2008, expozitia "Himalaya - oameni si munti" a fotografului Mihai Moiceanu va fi prezenta la Targu Mures.

Dupa ce a fost expusa pe rand la Brasov, Craiova si Cluj, expozitia va purta de aceasta data publicul muresean intr-o calatorie subiectiva in Nepal - o tara a contrastelor dar si a tolerantei, a diversitatii dar si a unicatelor, o tara cu oameni calzi si ospitalieri, curiosi si respectuosi. Fotografiile vor fi expuse in incinta Mures Mall si pot fi vizitate zilnic intre orele 10.00 - 22.00.

Vernisajul va avea loc joi, 22 mai 2008, la ora 20.00. Cei prezenti vor putea descoperi o lume exotica, complet diferita de cea occidentala, vizionand proiectia intitulata "Himalaya in sase feluri" care contine 380 de imagini realizate in timpul expeditiei fotografului in Nepal, insotite de muzica si comentarii.

Iata cateva lucrari din expozitie:

Ca si un feedback ... din nou sa aratat interesul negativ al oamenilor pentru arta fotografica si arta in general, au fost foarte putini vizitatori, pozele au fost zgariate cu nesimtire, oameni fara cultura pur si simplu, desigur sunt si exceptii care au analizat si care au apreciat aceste creatii ale lui Mihai Moiceanu. Overall: pozele au fost expuse la etajul 1 si foarte putin apreciate, iar din acest fapt probabil prezentarea lucrarile artistilor nu vor fi expuse prea curand in orasul Targu Mures.

Happy Friday: Freezing the Sub

Happy Friday! Guy's, I know that it's not friday yet but this video is so much fun and so clever that i had to put it here. You gonna love this ideea, maybe you will do it someday with some friends.

Hey guys,

I'm inviting you on my main pages of photos and obviously on my blog :)
Right now I'm working on some nice volumes of nice ideas, but I have to wait untill my rig arrives from the states.

Rig configuration so far is:

Canon EOS 40D Body
Canon EF 17-40 mm F/4 USM L
Canon EF 50 mm F/1.4 USM
Canon SpeedLite 430 EX
And working on a 70-200 F/2.8 IS USM L version, but i think that has to wait untill 2009.

Untill then I'm shooting some weddings in my town. Actually I'm from Romania,MS and it's kind of a small town with 220.000 people aprox. And I'm looking forward to attend some photography classes to learn more about this art.

In the galleries bellow you will see pictures taken with Fuji S6500FD , Nikon D40 with 18-55 and 70-300 Tamron MF and some picutures with a Canon EOS 30D and a 17-85 IS USM.

Deviant Art Gallery
Photoshop Wedding Gallery
Online BloG.
Flick Art Gallery

On a sunny afternoon it camed to me that I have to make a Volume of some hand's, watche's and colors of the human race. I named it Half Standing Connections. Why Connections ? -well they are all linked in between and the relation of the colors and the people is outstandingly beautiful.
Enjoy this Volume, untill now I have 4 images taken.




Copyright 2009| Zsoldos Szabolcs | S Photography